Verónica González-Temer & Sam Schirm
To call Emanuel “Manny” Schegloff a pioneer of conversation analysis does not begin to do justice to what he contributed to our field. Throughout his career, Manny applied his analytical rigour and innovation to elucidate the structures of social interaction through his research and teaching. Manny Schegloff didn’t only give us such fundamental concepts as turn-taking, sequence organisation, and repair; he’s also that little voice in every CA practitioner’s head that asks: Why that now?
Pic 1: Word cloud of responses to members’ survey questions “Which EMCA notion or expression first comes to your mind when you think of Emanuel Schegloff?” and “What is your favourite Schegloff quote?”
Many of us only knew Manny through his transformative research on diverse topics in CA; starting with his seminal work on sequencing in conversation openings from 1968, almost any of his publications could be considered instant classics. When we in the PubsCommittee asked ISCA members which of Schegloff’s publications was most influential to them, the members’ responses highlighted the lasting relevance of his research; next to his earliest work, such as the 1974 Simplest Systematics and the 1977 Preference for self-correction in the organization of conversation (both co-authored with Harvey Sacks and Gail Jefferson), members also named diverse publications such as Reflections on quantification in the study of conversation (1993), Body torque (1998) and his extensive primer Sequence organization in interaction (2007). The responses underscore the breadth of Manny’s contributions to CA and indeed our fundamental understanding of human sociality; he leaves a legacy for future conversation analysts to build on, that will shape CA research for generations to come.
In this special issue of the ISCA Newsletter, we remember and celebrate Emanuel Schegloff. We hear from members that knew him through his research, took his courses and workshops, worked with him, wrote their dissertations under his supervision, participated in his data sessions, and spent time as visiting scholars at UCLA. In “Impacts on Academic Life”, members explore how Manny’s teachings and support shaped their educational journeys. In the section titled “Memories”, members share personal anecdotes and recollections of their time with Manny, offering a glimpse into the moments that defined his impact on their lives. In “Images and Thoughts”, we highlight reactions shared on social media, where members posted stories, reflections, and images showing Manny’s lasting influence. Four ISCA members – Timothy Halkowski, Jenny Mandelbaum, Aug Nishizaka, and Harrie Mazeland – then offer “Extended Reflections” on how Manny shaped their work and lives. The “Favourite Quotes” segment highlights the memorable phrases and words of wisdom that resonated with members. We then read about two events held in memoriam of Manny at CA&CE24 and the IIEMCA 2024. And, finally, in this issue’s episode of the State of Talk podcast, we get to know Manny through his long-time colleague John Heritage who also comments on personal testimonials from 10 former students and colleagues.
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this special issue in honour of Emanuel Schegloff. Your reflections, memories, and insights have helped highlight Manny’s profound impact on the field of CA and on each of us personally. Whether you shared an anecdote, a quote, or discussed the role he played in your academic journey, your contributions have added value to this tribute and ensured that his legacy continues. There are and will be additional opportunities to remember and celebrate Manny as a community. Steve Clayman and John Heritage have also each written obituaries in Journal of Pragmatics and ROLSI, respectively. Their obituaries commemorate Manny and trace his legacy back to the co-founding of CA with Harvey Sacks and Gail Jefferson. Memorial events will be held at both ENACE 2025 in Brazil and at ICCA 2026 in Canada. And in a future episode of the State of Talk podcast, curated by Lorenza Mondada, we will hear the voices of former colleagues and students as they share their stories and experiences with Manny. Thank you to everyone for helping us recognise a scholar and mentor whose work continues to influence and challenge us all.
Pic 2: Word cloud of responses to members’ survey question “If you had to choose one word to describe Emanuel Schegloff, which one would that be?”